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Label: DOWNLOAD, Golden ways, mario teguh
Oleh : Diana Andriyani P, S.Sos
Sungguh memprihatinkan ketika kita ketahui salah satu tempat praktek aborsi yang berhasil dibongkar oleh aparat kepolisian di daerah Warakas Tanjungpriok Jakarta Utara. Dimana Dr.OW, seorang dokter gigi yang diduga melakukan praktek aborsi ditangkap, barang bukti berupa mayat-mayat janin ditemukan di saluran pembuangan air (septic tank) dan di bawah ubin ruang praktek sang dokter. Astaugfirullah, betapa dzalimnya dokter tersebut, akan tetapi lebih dzalim lagi si pelaku aborsi. Ditengarai, dalam proses penyeledikan Dr. OW, pasien yang paling banyak melakukan aborsi adalah para remaja yaitu pelajar dan mahasiswa. Data dari Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan tahun 2007 yang dimuat dalam salah satu laporan media elektronik menyebutkan bahwa ada sekitar 63 persen remaja Indonesia melakukan hubungan seks diluar nikah dan sekitar 21 persen diantaranya sudah melakukan tindakan aborsi. Data ini sungguh mengerikan. Meskipun ada ancaman hukuman atas tindakan aborsi, namun nampaknya hal ini tidak menimbulkan efek takut ataupun jera pada para pelakunya. Bahkan disinyalir praktek aborsi kian hari-kian bertambah dan praktek haram ini pun telah menjadi komoditi pasar(bisnis) yang laris manis di Indonesia. Berbagai media elektronik pun memaparkan investagi mereka tentang praktek aborsi, hasilnya sangat mengagetkan. Selain investigasi menemukan masih banyak praktek aborsi yang beroperasi secara sindikat, ditemukan pula fakta bahwa praktek zina (hubungan seks diluar nikah) sudah menjangkiti pula hingga para remaja usia belia yaitu usia SD dan SMP. Mereka sudah melakukan tindakan perzinahan yang diawali dengan pacaran. Bahkan mereka yang sudah melakukan perzinahan ini kemudian menjajakan diri di pinggir jalan. Kondisi seperti ini baru diketahui terjadi di Jakarta. Kita tentu tak habis pikir, jika sedari kecil mereka sudah belajar menjajakan diri, lalu masa depan mereka akan seperti apa dan masa depan Indonesia bagaimana? Masalah ini tentu menjadi bahan interopeksi semua, baik Pemerintah, masyarakat, keluarga dan terutama kita sebagai remaja sendiri. Sedih, marah, kecewa tentu kita rasakan pada teman-teman remaja kita yang melakukan tindakan zina dan apalagi ditambah dengan tindakan aborsi. Tahukan kita, penyesalan akan selalu datang terlambat. Ketika semua akibat dari perbuatan kita sudah datang, seketika itu pula kehidupan kita akan segera berubah. Tidak hanya itu, segala impian dan cita-cita kita di masa mendatang akan turut terhapus dan berganti dengan bayangan masa depan suram. Kebahagiaan hidup pun akan lebih sulit tercapai. Akibat zina dan aborsi sangat banyak sekali, secara fisik, antara lain kehilangan virginitas sebelum menikah, ancaman terjangkit penyakit kelamin seperti Aids yang sulit disembuhkan , ancaman penyakit kanker leher rahim dan kemandulan serta kematian akibat aborsi. Secara psikis, membuat malu nama keluarga dan orang tua, kehilangan masa remaja karena harus menikah dini akibat hamil di luar nikah, dan ancaman masa depan suram akibat terganggunya proses pendidikan. Adalagi akibat yang lebih parah yaitu secara spiritual remaja pelaku zina dan aborsi telah melakukan dosa besar yang banyak dan bertumpuk-tumpuk. Na’udzubillahimindzalik. Oleh karenanya, jangan sia-siakan masa remaja kita dengan sesuatu yang belum saatnya kita rasakan. Menikah dan memiliki keturunan akan sangat membahagiakan ketika dilakukan pada masa dan waktu yang tepat pula. Serta insyaAlloh, Alloh sudah mengatur jodoh untuk kita semua. Semua tergantung pada sikap dan perilaku kita, Alloh akan menilai dan menentukan jodoh kita sesuai dengan perangai dan watak kita. Yakinlah pada tuntunan agama, karena itulah tali pengarah hidup yang lebih baik untuk kita dan Alloh tidak mungkin memberikan kesia-sian untuk kita. Sabar dan tawakal merupakan kata kunci yang harus dipegang teguh agar kita selalu selamat dan bahagia dalam kehidupan. Bersemangat!!!Stop zina dan No Aborsi!## Selengkapnya...Label: ahklak, sex, sex remaja, Zina
Grouping attributes MATERIALS
[a] extensive nature:
the nature of the material that depends on the size and number of substances such as volume, mass, and weight.
[b] Intensive nature:
the nature of the material that does not depend on the number and size of oxygen. Suppose the color, smell, frozen, thaw, protracted, vapor, menyublim.
Intensive nature of a material can be grouped into:
[a] Nature Physics:
the nature of the material that can be observed without changing the materials that remained, such as color, smell, taste, violent, boiling point, and melt point.
[b] Chemical nature:
the nature of the material that can be observed in the material changes that remained, such as color changes, kereaktifan, stability, and others.
[a] Change Physics
Physical changes are changes that do not result in material new material and only temporary.
Example: Water frozen into ice, sugar dissolved in water, making salt, heated metal, wood or paper cut-cut.
[b] Chemical Changes
Chemical changes are changes that produce materials and new materials can not go back into the materials origin. The material is new material that is nature-materials with different origin and nature can not be returned to the nature of their origin.
Example: the process of photosynthesis, iron rust, meledaknya bomb / firecracker, the process of fermentation, food rot, color changes, the process of respiration
Chemistry (from Egyptian kēme (chem), meaning "earth") is the science concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions. It is a physical science for studies of various atoms, molecules, crystals and other aggregates of matter whether in isolation or combination, which incorporates the concepts of energy and entropy in relation to the spontaneity of chemical processes. Modern chemistry evolved out of alchemy following the chemical revolution (1773).
Disciplines within chemistry are traditionally grouped by the type of matter being studied or the kind of study. These include inorganic chemistry, the study of inorganic matter; organic chemistry, the study of organic matter; biochemistry, the study of substances found in biological organisms; physical chemistry, the energy related studies of chemical systems at macro, molecular and submolecular scales; analytical chemistry, the analysis of material samples to gain an understanding of their chemical composition and structure. Many more specialized disciplines have emerged in recent years, e.g. neurochemistry the chemical study of the nervous system (see subdisciplines).
Heard many complaints that the chemical is very difficult to learn. Among the complaints are few: I am not smart enough to learn chemistry, I can not think kimiawan follow the road, I fear failure in the subjects chemistry, my memory is not strong enough to remember the formula and the fact kimia.Yang must first change is the view - mistaken views about your own line. Firstly you must believe that you are able to study chemistry. You believe that if you study well akan success. So basically do not learn chemistry is different from the other subjects you study or learn your bicycle.
That is required is a strong determination and confidence if you work with whether you will succeed.
After a determination and confidence, then you need to know some tricks to get the skills chemicals. Please note the same as the bike you learn skills that you can be if you practice, not simply by reading the theory without ever cycling practice.
Here are some approaches that have helped many people to study chemistry.
Create a real picture of what you learned
Most of the things learned in chemistry is the abstract. Atoms, molecules, chemical bonds, electrons are goods which can not be directly seen and felt. A picture will help you to understand and remember the good with the important concept. Atom for example you can imagine as a ball, and every element of the ball has a different weight and color for example.
Try to associate what is learned with the everyday life
All material on this is the natural chemicals. Air, trees, rock, plastics, cosmetics, and so on. The problem is that the materials are usually not the pure material, but the form of a complex mixture. To create easy to understand, taught chemistry in a pure or a mixture of the two materials. Indeed, often found akan pure material behavior far different from the behavior of the mixture. Well, the always try to tie what is learned with what is in your daily life will make what is learned to be more meaningful.
For example, in daily life we often make a beverage syrup, adding a glass of water on the three two-tablespoon syrup. When we do best, we add two-three tbs water to the syrup in a glass, it will not be drunk because sirupnya tasty too thick. Here we get the experience of the concentration of the solution.
Connect with the description of the macro picture micro
Salt in the language means that the chemical can also padatan white we use to mamasak or arranged on the ion Na + and Cl-. The first picture is the macro picture, the second is the micro picture. Micro picture is that we never see directly, you must hadirkan in the shadows. The description is the set of macro-trillion bertrilyun atom or ion, so we can see, touch and feel. Because the chemicals are talking with the second language, your task is to learn the materials and are the views of both.
The description is often used for micro merasionalisasi what is happening on the macro scale. We getas for example merasionalisasi nature of the crystal ionik because krisal ionik arranged on the opposite ion load side by side. When the pressure was, the ion may be the same capacious akan side by side, the result-going decline reject so easily broken.
Learning with the routine and immediately correct the errors
Also from the unique chemistry lesson is a lot of concepts that was built in stages, a concept underlie the concept of the next; concept again the next can be understood if the concept of two already well understood, and so on. Concepts often appear next to the speed that is higher than the previous concept. Now, with the situation such as this advice is that you often hear is important: Study regularly.
This is also the key to learn what, if re-learn to bicycle example. If you have not before the cycling, you only learn one day in each month, you can be when the new akan.
Learning the routine also allows you to immediately know the problems or errors that you create and quickly you can also search for solutions. It's important to learn your mistakes and you soon find the right solution, because if not you will repeat the same mistake.
Use different ways to different things
Chemistry is not only computation-count, although the ability is an important component in the chemical. Chemical also contains some facts to keep in mind, a special vocabulary that must be learned, the laws of the one associate with the idea that ideas must be understood. Learning the facts of another way to learn techniques count, learn more with the law.
To mengigat fact better, you often are given an example to create a so-called bridge ass. For example, elements of the alakali remember you with: Hajah Lina Naik Horses frustrating to fight it. The other way such as with writing, making cards and play with the cards and so forth.
To learn the concept of the good you have to learn actively. This means you have to record with both the concept that you learn, really noticed the keywords in the concept, look for examples for that concept, connect with the concept that has been learned previously.
In addition, you should also sensitive to the chemical language. Often, that means oxygen O2 and O. For example, in the oxygen is an important component in the atmosphere, which is referred to O2. Are calculated in the oxygen content in the mineral apatit, they are O. Nah, kensensitifan that you will earn if you learn continuously, together with you to identify kesensitifan foot pedal of a bike to grow with the frequency you learn bicycle.
To make it easier to learn the laws in chemical engineering you can use: well-learned facts and concepts that underlie, use your words to reveal themselves more law, specify keberlakuan law, and also specify what can be accomplished with the law.
For example the ideal gas law PV = nRT, ask what the ideal gas? Then note that the law applies only to the ideal gas, real gas will not follow the equation, and you also need to be able to menghayati that with this law you can calculate one of the p, V, n or T when the other three known.
That must be remembered, the law (summary order) often have exceptions, you must remember well this exception: for example, all the sulfide compound is not protracted, except (NH4) 2S.
So some tips, remember once again, these tips will only be useful if you use them in the continuous learning.
(By Ismundar, PhD, Lecturer in Chemistry ITB) Selengkapnya...